Hotel Front Desk

Hotel Front Desk was a client of Inoppl Inc

Hotel Front Desk was a startup looking to improve their product. They hired my firm Innoppl after completing research, persona creation and journey mapping. I started by taking inventory of the existing work. I got to know the user personas, inside and out and had many sessions with the founders to help me to better understand the hostel business as well as activity tracking.

The Challenge

This project was for a small business whose goal it was to make activity and time tracking easy and effective. The business wanted to make it easier for hotel owners or front desk personnel to track when activities were being done and to assign new work to employees. I was in charge of the wireframes and finished UI from this project.


I spoke to the owners of the application who were previously in the hospitality industry. I conducted interviews with various others in the hospitality industry taking notes on interviews from a small hotel owner, and 2 front desk attendants.


After gathering the information, I started by making sketches and updating the existing userflow. I created the actual wireframes using Axure in the span of about 2 weeks. I kept the architecture simple, focusing on very easy to understand screens. The work orders came first in the hierarchy then the logs of what orders were completed previously. For the login screen I kept things clean by only including fields and 2 login buttons. The navigation was easily accessible and lined the bottom of the screen.

Finished Product

I was able to complete the finished product in 3 weeks. I used a hotel background with a light blue overlay. I wanted to emphasize trustworthiness with blue while still giving elements an active feel with the use of orange. The white and gray background helped to keep things balanced while also providing an air of lightness. The business really liked the overall look and feel and it ended up testing very well with the users.

What I learned

I was able to complete the finished product in 3 weeks. I used a hotel background with a light blue overlay. I wanted to emphasize trustworthiness with blue while still giving elements an active feel with the use of orange. The white and gray background helped to keep things balanced while also providing an air of lightness.

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